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Tag Archives: health

Should children take nutritional supplements?

Should children take nutritional supplements? We explore ways to help keep our families healthy in today’s hectic world. Supplements and vitamins appear to be a practical choice. Brightly coloured products claiming to help keep your child healthy line the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets. There are plenty of gummies, fizzies and chews available to keep

Zinc deficiency- the most common deficiency in the world

The importance of zinc for a healthy living is beyond the shadow of a doubt. From blood to hair, it is found in almost every part of the body. Zinc is an essential cofactor, a cellular building block and a vital mineral that plays an exceptionally versatile role in the body, yet unfortunately zinc deficiency


Mother nature has blessed us with a plethora of herbs loaded with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and many miraculous properties. Thankfully it has been possible to tap all this goodness into supplements. Herbal supplements are prepared from the seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers of plants for medicinal purposes. In the past when there

Top 5 beauty supplements you need in your skincare routine today!

There is no doubt about the fact that good skin comes from within. As it is the largest and the most exposed organ of the body, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors have direct implications on the skin health. Our emotions, diet, nutritional status and lifestyle, all have an innate role to play in this. Skincare


WHEY PROTEIN: THE BEST FITNESS SUPPLEMENT  Whey protein is considered to be among the best protein powders in the world, and for good reason. It also is the most studied protein supplement as it has a very high nutritional value and numerous scientifically proven health benefits. Not all protein powders are formulated or created equal,

7 Best Ways To Boost Energy

7 Best Ways To Boost Energy

Do you feel your eyelids sagging as the afternoon come around? When crashing energy levels drag you down, don’t pick out a candy bar, a cup of coffee, or an energy drink for an instant lift. The sugar and caffeine might be a quick fix, but after the energy rush wears off, you’ll crash and
