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Category Archives: Miscellaneous


Is all the news on the new coronavirus and the illness it causes making you worry? Well, that seems quite obvious. If you’re wondering how to deal with anxious feelings that are surfacing, this blog post can guide you through steps which will be helpful to several people. If you regularly struggle with anxiety, worries

List of diseases caused by Negative Emotions & Stress

stress related medical issue health problems and disorders image

Stress is classified as short-term or long-term stress and both can prompt an assortment of manifestations. Yet, constant stress can negatively affect the body over the long haul and have long-lasting health impacts. Some common signs of stress are listed below: Changes in mood Decreased sex drive Clammy or sweaty palms Diarrhea Difficulty in sleeping

Best Biotin Supplement: A Secret to Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

Between a fast-paced life and increasing pollution around us, it is becoming very difficult for anyone to take proper care of their health. Even if people make time to work on their health and maintain a balanced diet, there are always some nutrients that get lost and fall through the cracks. In such cases, there

What is Best Way to Take Ashwagandha Capsules? And Why Should You Care?

Ashwagandha is an herbal plant used for medicinal purposes in India and other South Asian for a long time. It is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry, etc. and is found as a small yellow flowering shrub with red fruits. It is consumed in various forms such as tablets, leaf powder, dried leaves, etc.


What actually is stress? Stress is the body’s natural defense system against potentially dangerous situations. The human body has the fight or flight mechanism that makes you better at evading dangerous situations. The way it happens is whenever you come across a potentially dangerous situation your body undergoes temporary changes by releasing hormones and focusses
