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Why antioxidant tablets are used? Know antioxidant tablets benefits

Why are antioxidant tablets used? Know antioxidant tablets benefits

Having a healthy body, flawless and glowing skin is the dream for all. But it requires great care to make your skin look healthy and glowing every time. People use antioxidants naturally and in the form of tablets to improve their overall health, here the questions arises why antioxidants tablets are used? and how these antioxidant tablets benefits you? People use injections, surgery, super-invasive, or super expensive treatment for great skin and health.

You can also use natural antioxidants from food or the best antioxidant supplements available in the market to limit the production of free radicals that damage the cells so that it does not affect your overall health.


Antioxidants: What They Are?

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The cells of our body wither away due to a lack of food to infection with a virus. Another constant danger is free radicals that come from synthetic compounds. At an extreme level, they damage cells and genetic material giving rise to various problems in the body.

What are free radicals?

The body generates free radicals while turning food into energy. Also, these free radicals are generated after exercising, due to air pollution, exposure to cigarettes, and sunlight, and various other factors. These radicals come in different forms including shapes, sizes, and chemical composition.

We release fighters of free-radical from food and they are termed as “antioxidants”. These antioxidants are additionally engaged with mechanisms that fix DNA and keep up the strength of cells.

There are several substances like Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Minerals, Vitamin E, related carotenoids, selenium, and manganese combined with glutathione, lipoic acid, phenols, phytoestrogens, coenzyme Q10, flavonoids, and polyphenols that act as natural antioxidants.

The majority of these antioxidants occur naturally or are present in the food. These antioxidants serve as a natural defence against any infection or problem in the body by preventing oxidation.

An antioxidant is a scientific term and can act as an electron donor. Every antioxidant has unique biological properties and chemical behaviour thus plays different roles according to its chemical composition.
There is a different antioxidant supplement that acts as super-foods and their antioxidant capacity is measured by its [Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity (ORAC)]

List of Antioxidants and Their Source in Food

Some of the best antioxidant supplements show less or no result because they tend to show great results when combined with plant chemicals, nutrients, and other antioxidants. There is a long list of sources that play a different role in the protection of human body cells that may promote health and well-being to a new level.
Various foods are rich in antioxidants, yet we have discussed some of them below, to provide you information about them. You can introduce these in your daily diet to get the benefits because deficiency of any of these can lead to relying on the antioxidant tablets.

Green tea:

It contains 30 percent polyphenols which includes a lot of a catechin called [EGCG]. These are natural antioxidants that can help the prevention of cell damage. Also, they have a defensive impact against oxidative harm that adds to the growth of cancer. Thus, green tea is an astounding source of amazing antioxidants that can help decrease the danger of cancer.

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As per investigations, blueberries contain the most substantial number of antioxidants among every fruit and vegetable. The several benefits of introducing blueberries in your diet include the anticipation of brain harm that happens in mature age, bringing down low-thickness lipoprotein cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and diminishing the danger of certain heart ailments.

All this is possible because of a sort of cancer prevention antioxidant called anthocyanin in them.


Strawberries contains high measures of Vitamin C and cancer prevention agents. Like blueberries, they too contain anthocyanin and are very hard to found in other fruits and vegetables. The dark the red colour of a strawberry, the higher would be the anthocyanin levels. A FRAP recommends that it contains 5.4 mmol of anthocyanin per 100 grams and eating it lessens LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of any heart ailment.

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Doctors often prescribe beans to the patients inferable from its high dietary benefit. They are unimaginably high in fibre, and among vegetables, they are the best source of antioxidants that can help manage your overall health. An antioxidant called kaempferol is found in an extensive amount in beans which helps in preventing chronic inflammation and cancer. As per reports, it affects the development of kidneys, bladder, and cellular breakdown in the lungs. Also, it assists in managing bowel movements.

Dark Chocolate:

It contains 15 mmol/100 grams of antioxidants and is among the most important measures of cancer prevention agents present in different foods and vegetables. Since it contains more cocoa, introducing it in your diet decreases irritation, controls circulatory strain, and brings down the danger of various heart sicknesses. Also, the consumption helps in raising HDL cholesterol levels. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is also prevented using it. Along these lines, eat a little dark chocolate consistently. It will unquestionably fulfill your taste buds and offer numerous medical advantages as well!

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Synthetic Antioxidants Are Replaced with Natural Antioxidant Tablets

The selection of antioxidants and the proportion of antioxidants about the quantity to include in food items is constrained by the regulatory laws of the nation or by international standards. Synthetic antibiotic tablets have been utilized instead of regular ones because they present higher security and execution, low expenses, and wide accessibility.

Ingredients in Antioxidant Tablets Include:

  • butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  • butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
  • propyl gallate (PG) and tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
  • 2-naphthol (2NL)
  • 4-phenyl phenol (OPP)
  • 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic corrosive (2,4-DA), etc.

It should be noted that synthetic antioxidant tablets have been broadly utilized, but the issues related to the well-being have been raised in the recent times. A few studies are showing there is connection between the consumption of synthetic antioxidants and some medical problems including, gastrointestinal tract issues, skin sensitivities and sometimes expanded the danger of a life-threatening disease. High dosages of this may cause DNA harm and instigate untimely senescence.

The inclination to replace these synthetic antioxidants with natural antioxidant tablets has been expanding. Studies related to the impression of customers about the dangers related to utilizing synthetic antioxidants and saving food items have been performed. The conclusion has indicated that individuals who are using these antioxidants are worried about the risk they might come across after introducing these in their everyday diet to synthetic antioxidants, with more preference for the natural antioxidants.

Moreover, the utilization of natural antioxidants either through foods or tablets empowers manufacturers to fulfill customers’ requests for cleaner-name items with selective natural ingredients. However, it should be noted that the reality of being from normal sources doesn’t guarantee them safety as a matter of course.

Natural Antioxidant Tablets: Safety and Toxicity

Food additives are exposed to a similar strict security norm whether or not they are derived naturally or synthetically. The safety of food additives is dictated by considering potential aggregate impacts that are assessed by the result of the toxicity examines of the natural antioxidants and from information about the synthetic compound. However, to utilize antioxidant tablets of natural products in food items, they should go through premarket endorsement by the Safety Authority or by the Drug Administration department of the specific country, which has standard philosophies to assess their security.

Benefits of Antioxidants for Skin

Be it stress or hectic life schedule, everything as an effect on skin. It might result in wrinkles, fine lines, dark patches and more. You can choose from antioxidant tablets available in the market to improve the skin condition.

Here are some of the benefits of antioxidants on the skin:

  • For Acne Prone Skin –
  • Fighting Signs of Aging –
  • Lighting of Skin Tone –

Natural Antioxidant Tablets: Safety and Toxicity

Food additives are exposed to a similar strict security norm, whether they are derived naturally or synthetically. The safety of food additives is dictated by considering potential aggregate impacts. These can be assessed by examining the natural antioxidants’ toxicity and from information about the synthetic compound. However, to utilize antioxidant tablets of natural products in food items, they should go through premarket endorsement by the Safety Authority or by the Drug Administration department of the specific country, which has standard philosophies to assess their security.

Working of Antioxidants Tablets

The antioxidant tablets consist of different multivitamins and iron products that put a full stop on the functioning of the free radicals and help in treating as well as preventing.

  • Vitamin deficiency that might be due to poor diet.
  • Certain illnesses and chronic diseases.
  • During pregnancy for maintaining a balance between different components in the body.
  • To maintain an overall health.

Benefits of Antioxidant Tablets

Antioxidants can protect oxidative stress that is, they protect against the cell damage that is caused by free radicals.

Activities and processes that can lead to oxidative stress include:

  • Mitochondrial activity
  • Excessive exercise
  • Tissue trauma, because of inflammation or an injury
  • Damage of ischemia and reperfusion
  • Utilization of certain foods, especially refined and processed foods, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, and certain dyes and additives
  • Smoking
  • Environmental pollution
  • Radiation
  • Exposure to chemicals, such as pesticides and drugs, including
  • chemotherapy
  • Industrial solvents
  • Ozone

    Such activities and exposures can bring out cell damage and can lead to:

  • an extended-release of free iron or copper particles.
  • an enactment of phagocytes, a sort of white platelet with a function in fighting infection.
  • an expansion in enzymes that create free revolutionaries.
  • a disturbance of electron transport chains.

    The damage caused by oxidative stress has been linked to cancer, atherosclerosis, and vision loss. It is thought that free radicals cause changes in the cells that lead to these and possibly other conditions.
    The harm brought about by oxidative stress has been connected to cancer, atherosclerosis, and loss of vision. It is felt that the changes in the cells caused by free radicals might lead to these and potentially different conditions.


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How Much Antioxidants Can Be Taken Per Day?

Consumption of antioxidant tablets can reduce these risks and help in the overall well-being.

Antioxidants might interact with certain prescriptions, so it is advisable to talk with your doctor before utilizing any of these items. Also, research has not demonstrated that consuming any of the antioxidants as a supplement or through a portion of food can ensure against infection.

There might be some advantages for individuals in danger of age-related degeneration, yet it is important to look for advice from a specialist about whether to add these supplements in your diet and which ones to utilize f or significant benefit.

If you are among the people look confused about why antioxidants tablets are used for, the answer to your query is it can bridge the nutrition gap. Now the other question that need to be answer is how these antioxidant tablets can benefit you? You can get the best range of nutritional health supplements that are rich in joints, multivitamins, omega, antioxidants, minerals, and potent herbal extracts like ashwagandha.

The ingredients of the nutritional supplements/tablets are clinically researched and crafted with scientific formulations to benefit you in maintaining the optimal nutritional status, fitness and body performance at optimum levels by fulfilling all necessary dietary requirements of your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best antioxidant supplement?

The list of antioxidant supplements available in the market is endless.But, when you have to choose the best, Allure plus, Andro young, Oxivog, and VOQ-10 are some of the most trusted antioxidants from vogue wellness. Rest assured of the quality and favorable results.

Is turmeric an antioxidant?

Turmeric is a very powerful antioxidant that contains curcumin that helps managing heart diseases. Curcumin present in turmeric boosts the activity of the body and stimulates body’s personal antioxidant defense.

Which Vitamin serves as a Potent Antioxidant?

Vitamins can serve as a effective antioxidants. The major antioxidants vitamins that one can include in the diet are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene. These vitamins are present in many colorful fruits and vegetables like those in yellow, purple, red, orange, etc.

What are some naturally occurring Antioxidant?

In case you do not wish to take antioxidant supplement tablets, you can opt for naturally occurring antioxidants. Some of them include beans, dark chocolate, strawberries, green tea, etc.

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